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How to Rank Higher on Google in 2023

Updated: Dec 26, 2022

In this article, we will show how to improve your Google rankings.

We use the same method to rank first on Google for several terms in our niche.

If your goal is better ranking on google in 2023 and to appear on that coveted first page on Google then this is the article for you to improve your ranking in the Google search results for your desired search term.

The below strategy is made up of 7 techniques, a structure that we follow to rank above the fold on the first page of Google for 20 phrases on this website alone.

Step #1: Focus on improving Your On-Site SEO revise old articles

Step #2: SEO for Mobile

Step #3: Backlinks to Your Site

Step #4: Include Relevant Keywords to Your website or Blog Pages

Step #5: Reduce Your Bounce Rate Percentage

Step #6: Monitor Your Analytics

Step #7: Use the tools at your disposal

Step #1: Focus on improving Your On-Site SEO revise old articles.

One of the best and quickest ways to boost your Google rankings is through on-page SEO within the content of your website.

This is because you can enhance your page by reading over old content and freshening. And you'll see an improvement in rankings within a few weeks or months, be patient as SEO is a marathon and not a sprint. If you already have content, then do not only focus on new content but spend a little time on old articles to make them relevant today.


To begin, ensure that your keyword is near the beginning of your H1 title tag.

Google places slightly more value on terms that appear early in your title tag, in turn they also give less emphasis on keywords that appear later in the process.

My target keyword on this page, for example, is "How to rank higher on Google": rank higher in Google rankings with a first page listing in 2023.

As you can see, my title tag starts with that keyword, it’s also an idea to place the year, if still relevant you can freshen up your article and update the year.

Second, make sure your article is AT LEAST 1800 words as studies have proven 1800 words or more outperform those with less than.

According to our evaluation of Google's key ranking factors, longer content equals higher rankings. And, from personal experience, I can tell you that longer content tends to rank higher in all of the major search engines. If possible add images to the content as 1800 words may be a struggle without some visual content, keeping your visitor engaged will also improve your bounce rate, another important SEO factor.

Finally, repeat your keyword 2-3 times in the written content of your page.

Step #2: SEO for Mobile

In a pervious article Optimising Website for Mobile we discussed how more people visit website via mobile.

In the third quarter of 2020, mobile devices (excluding tablets) generated 50.81 percent of global website traffic, consistently hovering around the 50 percent mark since the beginning of 2017

This fact is the reason why your SEO for mobile should be on point. Think about this for a second, 100% of websites are created and developed on a PC or Laptop and the true designers who implement SEO at the very foundations of your website are all done on PC, Desktop or Laptop. In a recent study it was revealed that less than 28% of websites were designed with SEO in mind, so that number would be further reduced when considering if your designer took the time to not only optimize for a PC but to include mobile.

Many customers who are presented with their new website are delighted with the end result, but they are only looking at the aesthetic, layout and design. SEO is a hidden element embedded into the structure of your website so the truth is many can skip this step.

At Website Design Aberdeen all websites are a reflection on our company, and we are responsible for them performing in Google and increasing traffic and sales therefore SEO techniques and tactics are implemented and woven into the very foundations of our websites.

Step #3: Backlinks to Your Site

Think of Backlinks as a thumbs-up, a seal of approval, the fact someone has took the time to link to your content tells the Google Algorithm that your content in someone’s opinion is good, the more backlinks the better.

It’s very important you make this process and seamless as possible, whereas some will create an actual link on their website or blogpost MOST will look to share on their Social Network platforms Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook or Instagram so make the process easy by placing social share icons on most of your pages.

If you take the time to create content rich amazing content people will want to share. And don’t forget to be the first to post and share on your own social platforms.

If you’re website niche has any support forms consider subscribing and posting this will generate backlinks, post on all your social platforms but the absolute best method is to create that good a blog post that people will want to share the content – in turn creating a back link to your website, this will create a steady flow of link juice to your website.

Step #4: Include Relevant Keywords to Your website or Blog Pages

LSI keywords are a new and innovative way of improving your on-page SEO to rank higher on Google search.

How to find LSI words, easy……

Search for your term “How to rank higher on Google in 2021” or your particular term you wish to appear on the first page of Google, for my term I will see titles and text like below.

10 Ways to Rank Higher on Google

Google Ranking Factors for 2023

2023 SEO Trends: How to Rank Higher in Search Results

Now the key is to incorporate these words and phrases into the content of your article, this will help validate your content. They are all related and will help boost the ranking of your page. It’s a simple and very effective way to gather intel, the resuts are already there on the first page so pay attention and study these pages.

Step #5: Reduce Your Bounce Rate Percentage

The next step in our process is to reduce your site's bounce rate.

Most analytics display your websites bounce rate.

What is Bounce rate?

How long are visitors staying on your website and how many pages are they visiting while there, the higher these numbers the lower your bounce rate.

Keeping eyes on your website is the name of this game and a few tactics and strategies will help improve.

It goes without saying Google dislikes it when people visit a website... and then quickly return to the search results. It signals your content is poor or not as the title suggested – your ranking could be penalized.

This is a clear indication to the Google search algorithm that people are dissatisfied with your content. And if users are dissatisfied, you can say bye bye to your 1st page ranking.

Making sure your content matches your title is a great way to reduce bounce rate. Why would someone leave if your content is what the title reads?

You must also think about the layout, break your content up into sharp snappy content that’s broke up with images.

If you have a page with over 1800 word it is imperative the “above the fold” content catches the visitors attention. When a visitor first visits your website before they scroll what they see is “above the fold”

What visitors see here will heavily influence if they will begin to scroll or bounce.

Structure your page so that visitors can quickly find what they're looking for, as we have done on this page indexing the paragraphs at the beginning.

Step #6: Monitor Your Analytics

With all the above steps implemented you are well on your way to seeing results and ranking higher on Google for your phrase. Don’t post and cross your fingers, set time aside to monitor weekly. The many people I have spoke with who post then never return to monitor the analytics, I call this posting blind.

Don’t post blind, you have done the research and most likely constructed an article that took endless hours to just stop there is insane, you need to monitor and possible tweak.

Review your H1 and H2 tags, read several times, do your keywords and phrases appear as they should within your content. Is there potentially something you have missed or could have worded better?

In. nutshell you have put in the hours and the hard part is done, take the time to review the page, content and even the layout, always spend time reviewing your analytics.

Always reply to comments, if some good person has taken the time to comment then it is your responsibility to engage and respond.

You are now well on your way to ranking higher on google.

Fantastic news

Leave us a comment below on what your page was you wanted to rank for and which of the above techniques you feel worked best for you.

Step #7: Use the tools at your disposal

There are many great SEO tools on the market, if you have the funds then invest but if not do not worry as there are plenty of free tools available, you just have to know where to find them.

Most of the tools today that are subscription based where at one point FREE.

So remember these are not inferior tools they do the same as BIG SEO tools such like Aherfs, they have just not been recognized yet and are still offering free versions to help expand and market their product. Some of the best tools I use are free, other paid versions may be a little quicker and more streamlines but not necessarily better.

Check out this in depth look at the Top 10 SEO Tools: The Complete List by Aria at WDA Design. This page really is worth bookmarking as its an updated article that always adds any new tools. Most of the tools in this article are free and there is not a day goes past where I don’t use at least one of these SEO tools.

WDA Design,

Website Design

Aberdeen, Portlethen,


Thank you for reading, I hope you have fount useful information in this article.

Please leave a comment below letting us know of any SEO Techniques that has worked for you and that we have not mentioned in the above list of how to rank higher on google, we really would be interested to know, and we do respond to every comment.


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